{"ops":[{"insert":"Unfair time is a puzzle map where the times are confusing, puzzles are unfair and finding the solution can sometimes be frustrating, if you are up for the challenge, there are 5 puzzles waiting ahead of you, time goes fast, slow and even in reverse, but you are still reading this description instead of solving the puzzles.\n\nHow this map was made ("},{"attributes":{"link":"https://youtu.be/s3CrfIM66kk"},"insert":"https://youtu.be/s3CrfIM66kk"},{"insert":")\nWalk through ("},{"attributes":{"link":"https://youtu.be/b1y_mpc0YGs"},"insert":"https://youtu.be/b1y_mpc0YGs"},{"insert":")\n"}]}
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Respond to Liontack
{"ops":[{"insert":"Fun, short unfair map with less resets than expected.\n"}]}
Respond to Enduinn
{"ops":[{"insert":"Loved it! A bit short, and most of it was tricky because I expected something more complex, but still nice, simple, and fun. Uploading a video of my blind playthrough soon.\n"}]}
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