Blocky Tavern
The Shimmer
Quest info
{"ops":[{"insert":"This map was created by yomikester238 and Liontack! It is a horror map so there are lots of creepy sounds and also flashing lights for those who have epilepsy. A lot of work was put into this and this map was totally based off of The Shimmer, which was a college tournament game that yomikester238 and some friends created in two nights! Really hope you guys enjoy and have fun with it! A unique and fun concept for sure!!\n\n"},{"attributes":{"bold":true},"insert":"Game Rules"},{"insert":"\n-MAKE SURE HOTBAR SLOT is on 5!\n-Resource Pack is REQUIRED\n-Best light level is 50\n-Render chunks must be at least 14\n-Gamemode must stay adventure\n-Best played with headphones\n-Have fun and enjoy!\n\nMake sure to check "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"yomikester238"},{"insert":" on YouTube.\n\nAnd "},{"attributes":{"link":""},"insert":"Liontack's website"},{"insert":" for more fun games!\n"}]}


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Made by
Main yomikester238 Main Liontack
Category Horror Downloads 53 Players 1 Language
MC version Java 1.17.1 Version
1.0 (21/12/2021)
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