{"ops":[{"insert":"An unfair map like never before, because I imagine it will feel a bit different from the others.\nThere is a lot less guesswork if you find knowledge. This also means that you should be able to finish this map without the "},{"attributes":{"link":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM3axkRnqaM"},"insert":"walk-through"},{"insert":".\nYou will restart a lot until you make a perfect run to the finish. There are over 20 different ways to 'accidently' start over.\nWhen you know how to win in this map, it might still take quite some time. Just saying this, because I imagine it will take a long time to complete this map.\nThis map is intended for 1 player only.\n\nGood luck and have fun getting somewhat frustrated at this map!\n"}]}
Update 1.1
Updated to minecraft 1.19 and fixed a few small bugs and intentional alternatives. One hard to see thing has been made easier to see.
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Respond to AmirKaká
{"ops":[{"insert":"Really well-made map, challenging and a lot of fun\n"}]}
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